The JPEG file format supports only 16.7 million of colors or 256 levels of gray. So, the document ΓÇ£#ΓÇ¥ will be converted to the next matching depth during saving.
The MacPaint file format supports 2 colors (black & white). So, the document ΓÇ£#ΓÇ¥ will be converted to black & white during saving.
The XBM file format supports 2 colors (black & white). So, the document ΓÇ£#ΓÇ¥ will be converted to black & white during saving.
You will save the MBM file ΓÇ£#ΓÇ¥ with colors or more than 4 bits. The PSION 5 will not handle such a file (maybe a later PSION).
TIFF with CCITT compression supports only black & white (1 bit) images. So, your document ΓÇ£#ΓÇ¥ will be saved as an uncompressed TIFF.
The X-Face file format supports only 2 colors (black & white) and a size of 48 x 48 pixels. So, the document ΓÇ£#ΓÇ¥ will be converted to black & white and the fixed size during saving.
The PAC file format supports only 2 colors (black & white) and a size of 640 x 400 pixels. So, the document ΓÇ£#ΓÇ¥ will be converted to black & white and the fixed size during saving.
The VPB file format supports only 16.7 millions of colors or grayscale and a width divisible throw 8. So, the document ΓÇ£#ΓÇ¥ will be converted to next matching color depth and/or the width will be changed during saving.
You opened a PICT from the QuickTime emulated Photo folder on your PhotoCD. You have more options when you open the images from the folder PHOTO_CD:IMAGES from your PhotoCD.
You create a ppat with a size larger than 128 pixels. This may cause conflicts with some MacOS functions due its size.
The FLH file ΓÇ£#ΓÇ¥ can contain the colors in three different modes. The mode is not detectable. So, please set the import mode in the preferences part open/movie if you donΓÇÖt see the colors correct.
The PDB format supports only op to 4 levels of gray. So, the document ΓÇ£#ΓÇ¥ will be converted to the next matching depth during saving.
Sorry, GraphicConverter canΓÇÖt create icons/previews for the image ΓÇ£#ΓÇ¥ with a width or height of 3 pixels or less.